Febuary 7th, 2005
traditional abandonment of our idols, so that afterwards, we
worship them in their death.
one who subscribes is a Pelé fan, referring to him as the best
player in the world, at least as long as I can remember and was able
to watch this wonders of sport, besides others like Cassius Clay,
does not stop me (precisly, my second most complete player of the
world is Maradona), and is my greatest pride that both of them are
Americans or from LatinAmerica.
their personal lives, iniciated from similar origins and sufferings,
they started seperate very radically.
it is not about highlightning one life over the other, not even
about creating a paralism of both their lives.
believe we should devide both things ethically.
when he appeared, a time after Pelé, Maradona as a great football
player is imposible to discard, he is loved all around the world, no
matter what race, religion, language or anything anyone with reason
and confidence can think of.
owes a lot to Maradona, specially for being it’s best embassador
for the recognition of the country’s name in the most hidden
places in the world where no-one new we existed.
is overstated to say that to mention his name it was used and is
used, and will surely still be used as a passport for lots of
benefits and for experssions of admiration from citizens from all
around the world.
the world of football, talking about him or saying the name Maradona
is the greatest, even in Brazil there are people who consider him as
superior to Pelé.
that is not the issue in this editorial.
issue is Maradona: “a man, a person who does and has done or will
do to Argentina and their citizens and all society, to recuperate
the human being”
for, when mention worldwide, not being associated as the drugaddict,
the crazy, the clown, or he who make scandals of various kinds, etc.
don’t care about that, we do care about the other side, the great
player, the one who makes us look good, above all, let him be
sricked by a lightning if his conduct in his life is unappropiate.
do we do, as a society, to take care of our idol, who gave us so
many healthy satisfactions?
himself, we leave him by himself, actually, we let him be surrounded
by the worst kind of people, with no morals, who only care, like
crows, about even eating garbage.
know, and it even has been published in Argentinean newpapers, even
in “L’Equipe” of France, and in so many media around the
world, that his death is doomed to be at this rythem.
we wait rudely and with no mercy, letting this happen.
had him here but did not look after him, we send him almost as a
prisoner or a madman to a medical
institution which is not for a real citizen, which he needs for his
preservation of life and healthy state of mind.
had to go to Cuba to be treated, and badly, because among other
things, he can do whatever he please over there, he even gave him
self a treat by having another child with a native of the country.
what medical assistance and preservation of his intimacy and health
care are we talking about?
we don’t care about anything.
don’t care that he almost doesn’t have one peso, or better said,
as he should have, millions of dollars.
his relatives were wealthy because of the money he produced, which
he has no access to, even journalists say nothing, and so many
people are aware that he has been robed, not once, but many times.
everybody kept quiet when he took drugs, (and everyone knew,
everyone) but it was convinient for them, the idol and his triumphs,
the succeses of Argentina, of which, with all his mistakes, he
always felt prowd of.
in Italy and Napoly they forgave his silliness because they even
enjoyed and shared them.
you think that every man deserves the respect and care of his family
and friends and of those who called themselves friends?
you think that in this case, everyone, everyone, the Argentinean
societe, the government and the powers: executive and legislative,
the futbol coaches and the sports in general, the businessmen,
artist, profesionals, teachers, etc, are assisting coldly a clear
legal case: of abandoment of person?
does one have to express oneself, how does one have to say it?
is there to show that has not been seen already, so that we realize
and urgently act on it?
many cruzades are done for so many praiseworthy things, but
for this, nothing!!
Isn’t this praiseworthy and important?
Shouldn’t we leave behind the irony and cinicism?
We still have time, and what does it matter if the
idol himself does not accept the correct and necessary help,
coherent and cientifically unflexible, besides the love of his
fellow Argentineans, but not with the love of the bully fan who has
nothing else than a parcial vision, not global, of what ir really
Isn’t Argentina = Maradona a world brand anymore?
It is up to us to position the brand in the market as
it should be, highlighting what is good, which in his case, it
nearly has no comparison, showing them we took care of what is bad,
which also is patromony of the Argentinean.
It is time to stop looking away.
The Emprender Fundation with Solidaridad (E/F)
receive supportive mails and propositions of concrete actions about
this, for that, for those who are interested, we beg you to contact
us at the following e-mail address:
Any commentaries, and of course, critics, are
welcomed, to make this subject priority for the National Congress on
one hand and counting with the Executive Power with Dr. Néstor
Kirchner in charge and his wife Cristina Fernandez to have the right
sensability and act as one expects from them, as they have shown on
other cases.
This is how the northamericans would call a good
leading case, to demonstrate how we react to issues of such
great impact and which generate a substancial change of atitude from
all the citizens which form a Nation.
Should we keep waiting?
The Editor