May the 9 th 2005
The country where stealing and scam is not punished
Where we come from is where we are going, it is because of this that our tradition, aggravated in the past decades, corrupt or inefficient rulers (there is a difference but the result is the same) takes us to happily accept (and even to celebrate another Creole sassiness) like a classic sassy robbery, doesn’t run, confesses y and is released to first find the evidence of the felony having the scammer right there, who, as if that wasn’t enough, took advantage not only of public funds, but of the state treasury of incapable people who supposedly should watch over their interests and did it trying, happily, to return them their money in late nights in casinos and fantastic car robberies, when not car-kidnaps or horrible apparent suicide attempts.
However, you should have three or four good lawyers, which with the outcome of your robbery you can pay and a flexible justice and besides you will be talking to the media about your miseries so that the people feel sorry for you and understanding that at least, from the nearly $ 700.000.- removed illegally abusing your charge, and the medially casino, you managed to return nearly $ 165.000.-
Of course, the man is free because, according to the law, he cannot accuse himself, as if the law immediately did not have the elements to reunite fast enough so that this person is kept in good custody and is not telling happily and arrogantly his accomplishments, without even watching out because the arguments of his lawyers for his defense he himself rebottled.
For similar cases, thousands of people automatically go to jail.
This no longer is an incredible police chronicle (since we are not shocked any more because of how common it is) maybe it would even be one if the forgotten man, instead of losing in the casino, would have won enough money to return what was taken from him.
Worthy of Kafka if we weren’t in Argentina.
And if this happily man (taking into account his mental capacity and his hierarchy position in the Government) is simply the foolest one of all of those who do the same in similar situation or of even greater responsibility?
If this person managed to do what he did for such a long time, what control do we have as citizens of those who manage public funds?
If a police officer gets severer punishments than common citizens for similar felonies, what does this person deserve, who empowered the money of the insane, the needed and the disabled, who don’t even know what they have saved and what is worse, wasted in a game room?
Or is it that them, the disabled, don’t have the right and better that the normal ones of the mortals, since they don’t know how to manage what they have and for that get a keeper.
Isn’t it incredible that since February of 2004 this man has spent his time in the casinos of Tigre and Puerto Madero with the money of the invalids and no one, but no one objected nor verified the bank statement of the accounts of Banco Provincia, from where the cash needed for this games was removed, is there no controls? Accounts are not settled. ¿Are there no Organizations of Verification?
Meanwhile, we have to see this awful (when least) character smile to the television cameras, radios, newspapers and the latest magazines, as the new sassy Argentinean.
It is like when we rape minors in other countries (14 years old and besides, we take pictures of them) and we still say: we didn’t think she was 14, she didn’t look like it, and besides she agreed to it, or she was asking for it, little does it matter, as if it wasn’t bad enough, that it was two abusing the minor.
And the rest screamed at the sky, we said that the girl was a little homeless girl, we want to fight the other country and we criticize it harshly, we talk about the horrible conditions of the detention of the accused, we interview the parents and we feel sorry for them with their stories of how good their children are.
As a result, we receive them with tambours and sticks, and as always we praise them in the media, with which we make much more disciples to repeat their insanities.
But going back to the person which concern us, he says: I did not steal for myself (sic), it is enough to read his amazing statements last week to the newspaper Clarin.
His four lawyers (yes, four, it seems he got quite good money for such a penal defense, which usually isn’t that cheap in the justice area), argue that he became a game addict to return the money, poor him, the thing he had to go through to return the missing money.
While he happily commented to the press that he did not consider himself a compulsive player.
Justice, where are you?
The Editor