October 16th, 2007
In every single poll the winner of this
elections (is this just a causality?) turns out to be the same
formula, the one that continues politics like the Menemista,
in which few people made millions giving their backs to the
people of our country.
1) This is huge lie, as big as Duhalde´s lie in his second
round against Menem. This lie was well learned and is intended
to be repeteated with the person that betrayed the one that
guided him to the power and that amused with only the 24% of
the votes.
2) Now in the country there are no power divisions. To
give just an example: the legislative votes the laws sent by
the ejecutive with any kind of argue, with the eyes closed.
3) The Human Rights only exist for the ones the passed
away, not for the ones that now live in poverty. The
responsables of the “Triple A” never have been judged because
it was allowed by the peronist government and integrated with
people that still now a days have important places in the
actual government.
4) We have a president that is always arguing. For that,
Argentina is now isolated. Nobody believe us, except those
that comes for business that suit them.
5) The Menemismo is criticized, and the arguments are not
wrong. The point is that the critics come from the president,
who, in the past, adulated Menem as “the best president of
argentinian history”.
6) The same president now is disable to stop the people’s
protests. For the habitants of his province, there is
repression; for the ones of the rest of the country, there is
not. Do we have two countries?
7) Nobody says a word, but we are still waiting for the
realization of his promise (It has been 4 years already):
return the money of his province, Santa Cruz. No one knows the
exact amount (it is, possibly, higher the a thousand millions),
but the province need it. Will he finally return it?
7) An embarrassing government that despises the journalism
and the citizens in general, not explaining theirs public acts,
where we have to be listening the ministers that should not be
even in politics jobs of lower level. And….some of them have
such a language!
8) Where the improvement of the education as a Government
politic does not exist.
9) Where the strikes are a constant and the CGT superior
can openly confront the president and block with his trucks
the companies that do no agree with his demands.
10) Where the citizen’s lives do not worth a cent and
nothing is being done to guarantee them.
11)Where the are promises of huge inversions (as China’s).
Inversions that never existed, or wishing to install the
“bala” train, while people dies of hunger or while the every
day trains are not repaired so we can travel with decency, not
feeling a cow.
12) Where the youth won’t need to emigrate or wouldn’t
care about a thing because our politic representatives don’t
offer them a future, education nor a job.
13) Where our old politics, which became our country in
corrupted, “clientelista” and depredated, never go away. They
don’t care about ethic and the citizen.
14) Where politics don’t stay for ever, avoiding the
necessary change and the help of the youth. Where reelections
are a “never ending story” and what is worse, many of them are
15) Where provinces are not managed as kingdoms, where the
governments believe that they are the owners of the people’s
lives and deads.
16). Where the traffic money, the illegal prostitution and
all kind of corruption is not allowed.
17) Where justice can be actualized and where justice can
be done, because a low justice is not a justice.".
18) Where the leaders of all the politics groups won’t be
choose with no valid argument.
19) Where the first lady wont be treated as a represent of
the government outside the country (what is illegal) and that
her expenses, and the nature of them, are explicated.
20) Where the president don’t be in campaigns acts
encouraging a candidate in dates that are prohibited and, what
is worse, promises buildings in those provinces.
21). Where, for the politic transparency, the law stop to
be obstaculized for the government and begin to be used.
22) Where the cases of Goverment corruption (Shanka, ex
Economy minister, Environmental minister , “narcogate”
suitcases de Southern Winds, suitcases with Venezuelan money,
etc, etc, etc) be judged.
23) Where every civil servant show, and the law says,
their patrimony and justify them.
24) Where the poor villages and the feeding places be
often visited, not only for the elections.
25). Where “gifts” and “open handed things” are not
allowed, before and during the elections.
26) Where we find out that we do not have to believe them
that they “have already won” and we use our right to vote.
Let’s don’t believe them and show them that here we are; for
the country, not for personal interests.
27) Where the autoritarism be “on the side” and penalized.
28) Where wont be allowed that a wife, a sister, a cousin
or any relative, work as a civil servant as a favor of a
relative. Government positions have to be won by real
29) Where wont be allowed that a civil servant chosen
today for a job in Capital, later on be in another job in
another province, where he hasn’t been for more than 20 years.
30) Where we live in eternal superavits, but the
destinations of them are never explained besides the
desequilibrated worth distribution, the bad states of our
hospitals, the needs of well equipped schools, and other
things promised and never done.
31) Where the INDEC prices be trustful and not
dictaminated by a civil servant against every rule, when
reality “triples” them (just to be good).
32) Where the games rules are clear for national and
international investors.
33) Where our external politics wont allow that a
president of another country come to do acts in our country,
taking care himself of his own troops and that the reasons of
our politics with Venezuela come out of the Exterior Minister
and no out of “government friends”.
34) Where journalists and business men wont be threaten
from a lectern or, in some special cases, “called with orders”
for private acts.
35) Where, to do a politic campaing, all the politics
groups can have the same possibilities, including the chance
to use the planes, as our fisrt lady can….she even uses the
government planes.
36) Where…where….there are so many other things to say!!!
King of long to enumerate!!!!
Is this the Argentina that we want to keep?
Is this the “new politic”?
Which are the public politics of this female candidate
that, as the Gabinet Superior said “travels as a president
because she already is”. Has anybody heard a sustainable
politic idea from her? Plus, there is no plan, not even an
sketch of it, and we don’t know who will be integrating the
future gabinet.
¿Why the presidential campaign got started in the exterior?
That’s unique in the world!!!
Where do they want to govern, here or in the exterior? Or is
it that they want to install in the media that there is
already a new president?
Argentinians, lets use our right to vote. We will se that
nobody wins with false pools that induces the citizen when the
thing most unwanted is the second round. Anything can be done
if we vote. It already happened in Misiones, qhere money
couldn’t change a thing.
This is our reality, and WE DONT WANT THAT ARGENTINA
Marijan Pirsic. Editor