50 años de la Argentina vistos por un inmigrante/
50 years of Argentina seen by an immigrant eyes

December  20th, 2008            

Our identity crisis
Who are we? Where we going? Where did we come from?

Chapter 6th: A country of opportunities ..

I had one of those opportunities seemed to me as unique, despite already had earlier been spectacular and the beginning of the path of knowing that there was a different world in this country so generous.
Argentina was undoubtedly american all as a whole and more.

Where everything was shining and everything was strength, growth and a society rather europereizada not like my European country, although in many respects.

Simply this was work to dedicate to your work force and access to personal growth together with a society in which all grew day by day and the people were wonderful, the floor was a document the lives and families were happy to copy them to himself.

Everything was available to everyone, a house (in installments simple and accessible a car until two (Fiat 600 and Citroen), all with a lot of effort, two or three jobs and fruits to buy a plot to get a fifth (specialty of Spaniards and Italians always Prioritization his own house and a second summer as an option, of course, as investment in bricks, and the best insurance, ie the roof itself.

Also when you buy appliances of any kind, not tapeworms almost a formality, less documentation or guarantees, enough your signature, you always believed (DAB only your document and address) and kills us all to meet the quota, (even before venciment) only had the support of a board with your signature of the first payment and then you come to expect to pay the eleven remaining above had not usury ..

And all met, and just pay the premium share to 48 hours had the refrigerator or washing machine purchased in your home.

It was the argentine real, real, which had no "trout and Piola"
Everything was open for me (immigrant) and even more for this land.
But already started the gray clouds.
Presages the storm .!!!!

I can not complain, like most Argentines, if only there were some "emergency villages"
Almost non-existent pockets of poverty, not to speak of today, we are frightened of the world in general, but to us, we played.

As for me, I gave all impossible dreams, traveling the world and continually throughout the country and neighbouring countries.

The purchase of social and economic position comparable to many people, albeit at higher levels.
Everything I opened, and everything I knew seize .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marijan Pirsic

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