Toward authoritarianism and Confrontation,
TWO Argentina, for having two that govern

June 02th.  2008

While the world looks at us smug and desperately need our exports of agricultural and livestock, before a giant global famine and a heavy toll of comododities, Argentina remains mired in its internal struggles.

We who can take advantage of this benefit for years with this advantage, in eighty-three days of confrontation with the field, not only hardly have exported, we'll also stockouts to our own people, expensive food (except for " INDEC wonderful numbers that even the very question Moyano ") and we are immersed in a battle between federal unit and that would qualify as old finished once and declaration of" truth "federal seriously and not continue to accept that Buenos Aires is the owner the entire nation and divides the proceeds from the provinces at will and their friends, instead of actually re-distribute wealth and sends the Constitution, through the Congress and not the executive branch.

But no, the "war" with field as the "chief Kirchner": I would like knees, even though in this contest has lost much more than what had been won with withholding authoritarian (namely that according to Moreno almighty secretary should have been 65%) and has reached unsustainable levels, except for the Government, who always says it wants dialogue and never actually speaks and when it does is to "gain time" to hold a May 25 , That? Or after the gigantic concentration of the interior in Rosario, negating the answer "alleged meeting" that would exist and decide unilaterally, rather than wisely hear the people's voice that proclaims and calls and even had requested that the own president presiding over the act in a show of subordination and greatness.

To then make "thunder the chastisement" some demonstrators meter prisoners (as does the same with piqueteros own Can) or to blame, as it did at first by fire, the ranchers themselves, although the INTA president himself said not understand how not intervened to cancel when the first four or five pockets, the ineffective Piccoloti did not know truth or did not want and turn off.

You never knew who caused the fire, there is always suspicion.

In truth, I am all in a vacua paraphernalia, an interior minister who does not exist in reality initiating actions without basis or foundation against people who appeared as potential owners of these camps and that "the purpose burned", as always, everything I am in anything, to put some prisoners and then drop them, just seriously questioned by a judge and you want to bring impeachment, surely now will save it.

Until the president was presented itself to see first hand the situation of the fire, none other than on the thirteenth day of the same place, so that? When the die was cast?. Because he did the first day? Rare?

As one can govern with such confrontational (and often at the same time) produced from within the same government?

Is it necessary?

Who does not confronted Kirchner.?

Why this thirst for wanting to do that the State is left with so many companies? Curiously purchased in part or in whole by friends of his own government?

It is adding more power at the same employer Political power. Intelligent, yes, that's right.

As you may have shop stewards in companies which in turn are in key positions of government itself and they have to negotiate with owners of businesses at stake?

He was succeeded to the cement companies, complained practices patoteriles Hugo Moyano, leader of Teamsters and in addition to the CGT, calls the Minister of Planning Julio De Vido and to place the encounter with him, he presents himself with Moyano and his son Paul together, that dialogue can take as long as ministerial endorsement?

It is credibly ask the confluence of Argentines taking in the speeches of the president, next to her on the podium where they go, D Elia, and several other heads gansters impresentable relating to any democracy?

You might face a problem with a multimedia Government's own chief of the Justicialista Party, the former president at the helm, ordered pasting posters against the middle and even Kirchner himself in an act flags flying against them, and to send their piqueteros Channel headquarters?.

It is at least embarrassing, if not undemocratic and a form of pressure on the press incredible that even the press association of argentina and the world has strongly criticized.

If there is a press spokesman?, Which is the same of the president and his ex-husband who never spoke to the media Do

Because the president has never given a press conference with national media and if, selectively to some international alone in its campaign?

Argentina is (and will again……) before the great historic opportunity to put in a place in the world and is again letting allies to leaders such as Chavez and even questioned the president has received, we believe mistakenly (but do not understand if so as not resigned by anyone such nonsense) to one of the most bloodthirsty dictators on the planet with which made trade agreements.

That is why in the last meeting in Lima by the chairmen of americas and several of the world, none of them, that if most visited several countries, failed to do so with argentina? Except for president of Austria and all for the excellent relationship that the government has with Victor Klima, representing Wolksvagen and with good arrival at marriage Kirchner.

Because now goes to Italy and the Pope does not receive the requested in his official visit alone?

Even if there is uncertainty in the coming anniversary of the intervention Samore, given the abysmal relations between the Church and Kirchner.

Not to mention the famous "bullet train" good excuse to try to reach a settlement with debt with the Paris Club and claimed many times desoída and why is that accepting a French consortium for its construction, at a price by which you could fix most of the rail networks across the nation for transporting people and cargo, as they are needed.

In addition, a few people to train, just for those who can pay the high cost of ticket?

And as happens with the field, there is some livestock agriculture policy (for there is no such thing Ministry), as there are no plans for medium and long term for anything.

For education, for science, to health, roads, to combat poverty, to attack the insecurity, exclusion and to overcome poverty and many more things that would be long numbered.

Suffice it as examples the annual floods in Salta, Jujuy, Formosa, Chaco, say some provinces, never solved and always hidden to the people, while the poor suffer until the next election.

We are a country in which nothing is discussed, where the Legislature does not exist, where the Judiciary is functional and increasingly managed by state interference in their particular changes in the Council of Magistracy.

Where members of the opposition have been purchased and moved from camp, where everything is handled between four walls and four or five people and nobody involved in anything, starting with the people.

Where is the Law of Transparency public?

When we have accountability?

When we see the fate and the vagaries of funds from Santa Cruz?

When officials will probe, which achieved their positions by history, by competition, and unimpeachable?

When will we stop having vice presidents who do not exist in practice, as also the Finance Minister, as Minister of Interior, and so on.

Because Foreign Minister does not deal ever diplomatic relations with Venezuela?

Because the deal only businessmen friends of the Government.

Why not be defended Techint, a company before the expropriation argentina arbitrary and unfounded by Chavez, not even a note of protest, even worse, nor were warned rather than the fait accompli.

When we will not have all the relatives and friends of power in key government posts, with the aggravating circumstance that there are certain "friends" that have far better and others who did not even resist a review of secondary education.

There will be officials who do not ever insult, not underestimate the intelligence of the people, giving explanations for their actions, not gestures and attitudes patoteriles and those who have ever committed crimes can be tried properly or removed immediately from their posts as the government made with whom if you should do.

We want Argentina to all Argentinos a good time, not against Argentinos thousands abroad or with millions of Argentines abroad (more than the external debt) but also our own former president give us the worst of examples for that special case and many others in particular or anything, officials should not be held accountable?

We must reward failed to explain who drive the economy as argentina had a large amount of dollars without sustenance and that, rather than the judge was rewarded with other charges, prosecutors here do not act officially as in many other cases and in recent Field?

When we have independent powers and not as the executive branch.

In our current rulers is the country's future, but not to read, as it did Néstor Kirchner that in 2011 will win again, do not worry about winning again, win now, not in 2011, is that the country needs it, you want it too?

Or we prefer to all its knees?

The Editor.