June 23th.  2008

I never stop thinking, as we continue to decline at all levels of our poor "democracy" never really practiced by the Company in large proportions and our political leadership, business and trade unions, etc., in all its dimensions.

Not case the topic political partner in general, because not only is so REMAN frank and decadence that in all media and to cap it all is not with the necessary wisdom, prudence and consistency, but we can do.

Although I am a person who does not seek nor watches television with absolute regularity, sometimes I do not interest me and say "I see National Geographic" or "discovery chanell" etc., to "make me look good and worship", if I had counted a program Saturday at 22 am and what I saw. a couple of times.

I could not believe what he saw in him, not because of the contradictions that all politicians are say something else
their same words every year, and all kinds of characters who did the same thing, but I left the Azores (and not just because it is not a "liberal almost desaforad, deeply feminist, and frequent pubs and places to dance with young people with whom I am in good shape so I) by the program Tinelli, I do not know whether or not they even called" dancing in a dream " .

Not only is "pure pornography and rudeness", but the level that shows the degradation that makes the driver of those involved to respect and contempt of the person is so great that really do not understand (except for his friendship with Kirchner ) As the COMFER, has not requested the closure of this program or not the same when it comes to their repeated expressions of an "almost explicit sex" incredibly widespread with a very good rating, which is the conduit prides

Not to mention that the authorities themselves of Channel 13 would allow all that, when boast of an ethic of the channel here to pull the Riachuelo by their meagre points that allow you to continue to lead programming, as the highest channel on, and so on.

Not to mention the absence of any society, NGOs, church, or the government itself and the same justice or ordinary citizen, engage in some way.

What is invaluable to both the public has to continue.

It's the price we are paying so many years of the "misuse and abuse of democracy" non-existence of a republic and "the laissez-faire" policy led government, and society itself, which is characterized as extremely violent, farandulera, autistic, Anoma and contemptuous of all values of ethics, that there is no longer almost by the annual increase of lack of education (internationally ever fall more in all measurements in this regard) and the possibilities of improvement to build a nation that we have never had, let alone enjoyed.

I find it incredible to end the degradation that makes the overall program, especially its driver and a panel of "pseudo jurors" of women as a whole, where it seems that it applies only for his good body and beautiful "ass" Mr Tinelli with the presentation of its agenda and its corps de ballet never tires of stress and even with each participant to be near him, to depart the same, that he was not showing the body, but that portion thereof, of impunity and lack of respect.

How much mediocrity, how much, garbage, how much complicity of all!

The Editor