16 de Agosto de 2005
Nuestra crisis de identidad
¿Quiénes somos? ¿Adónde Vamos? ¿De dónde venimos?
Capítulo decimosexto: La calle como variante educativa...
La realidad, de repente, había ingresado en mi vida con cierto desparpajo pues yo continuaba sin darme cuenta del desastre que era y del que llevaba a mi familia con mi conducta sin sentido ni cauce alguno.
Quizás pudiera argüir como excusa la falta de padre y la casi nula autoridad de una madre sufrida y sumisa.
Es decir sin figura paterna ya fallecida y sin figura materna presente realmente.
Pero sería incurrír en el facilismo de echarle la culpa al otro escudado en mi adolescencia incipiente y mis propias imbecilidades mentales.
Es preferible mostrar mi realidad de una adolescencia incompetente!
Estaba de vuelta en casa, dos veces expulsado de diferentes escuelas, con las manos vacías y con un horizonte con muy pocas posibilidades de progreso, en un país donde todo lo tenía.
Nada que ver con mis hermanos que eran la imagen de la evolución pese a sus propios problemas.
Mis hermanos eran todo mayores, por pocos años de diferencia, pero mas grandes y eso se notaba en nuestra cultura europea que me obligaba a tratarlos de Usted al menos hasta llegar a los 18 años .
Pero también era cierto que el mayor de todos , que ejercía la veces de la patria potestad de todos nosotros , se iba conformando como un autodidacta aprendiendo idiomas, mientras ejercía su rudo trabajo de mecánico.
El que le seguía, mejor aun, se inclinaba por la ciencia y estudiaba de noche mientras trabajaba de día como ayudante de joyero hasta entrar en Siemens Argentina como simple obrero.
Sin embargo se las ingenió para que sus estudios del industrial le permitieran ARMAR, ESTUDIANDO POR CORREO, UNO DE LOS PRIMEROS TELEVISORES QUE DE TAL FORMA SE HACIAN, que país que teníamos.
Recuerdo su paciencia infinita ( para algo fue ayudante de joyero ) para ir armando pieza por pieza el aparato y darnos la sorpresa de poder escuchar ( no ver aun pues no tenia plata para comprar el tubo-monitor ) la final de fútbol en Italia de Independiente con el Inter de Milán que se transmitía por TV.
Mi hermano poco a poco iba tejiendo su gran carrera futura.
En cambio mi hermana fué ,quizás, una de las mas perjudicadas de la familia pues su enseñanza era toda su vida ( la familia, mi padre en especial, la había destinado para el estudio solamente como a mí ) y la hacia en un riguroso Colegio de Monjas que, lamentablemente, la marcó feo para toda su vida.
Todo ello enmarcado por una tía super católica que trabajaba de mucama en casa de familia, nos daba un marco de una familia sufriente de clase media baja pero en constante superación.
Tal situación incidió en cada uno de nosotros de diferentes maneras.
Mi hermana tratando de superarse cada día con esfuerzos personales increíbles para ello pues no era realmente dotada y sin embargo lograba las mejores notas posibles y se rodeaba de amigas de mejor situación social que ella, a las cuales, por lo general respetaba o admiraba mucho más de lo que ellas se merecían .
El problema es que a los amigos no se los admira, sean quienes sean, simplemente se los quiere, se los ama.
Pero no, mi hermana llegaba prácticamente a la sumisión para con ellos, creyendo que se ganaba sus favores ( que de hecho lo lograba ) pero no dejaban de ser relaciones por intereses.
Todo ello enmarcado dentro de un hálito de misticismo realmente insoportable pero que la signó para toda su vida.
Muy loable lo de ella, pues pese a todo se hizo de un muy buen camino en la vida.
En síntesis, cada uno de mis hermanos iba tomando un rumbo claro para su futuro, todo lo contrario que me ocurría a mí, que sin embargo era predecible, simplemente sería una fuente continua de conflictos internos y externos.
Aun me quedaban vestigios de mi tartamudez, no era aceptado por los chicos del barrio, no tenia colegio y menos trabajo, fuera de pequeñas changas que me hacia
con algunos vecinos.
O sea era un perfecto proyecto imperfecto, políticamente no recomendable para ninguna de las madres de mis potenciales amigos, lo que hacia también que no los tuviera.
Vagaba entonces por las calles de mi barrio me alejaba un poco en mi bicicleta comprada por el esfuerzo de mi tía para satisfacer mis gustos.
Gracias a ello me podía alejar y conocer otros barrios con lo cual, me daba cuenta, que donde estaba era solamente una isla, o sea un pequeño barrio dentro de una ciudad de montones de barrios con diferentes vivencias, estatus social y educación.
Allí comencé a aprender por mi mismo las diferencias de las clases sociales.
Sin embargo ello no me preocupaba ni me molestaba, para mi era todo indiferente, solamente que me permitía seguir incorporando a mi pobre saber muchos otros conocimientos sociológicos que era hacia donde me inclinaba.
Un día , recorriendo en bicicleta los barrios ,llegué a una parte del Barrio Parque Saavedra o Barrio Perón como aún se lo llamaba ( eran todas casitas lindas e iguales que Perón había hecho construir para los sindicatos ) y como llevado por algo superior mi bicicleta me obligaba a ir en dirección a una casa.
A medida que me iba acercando a ella en mi visión tenía un detalle del interior de la misma como si estuviera dentro de ella .
Estaba invadido por un gran estupor, no podia entender como esto sucedía , a plena luz del día, pasarme esto!!!.
La tarde estaba soleada y hermosa y yo me llegaba ( me llevaban parecía ) hacia la puerta de la casa y la seguía viendo completa, cuarto por cuarto, color a color.
Sabia que iba a tocar el timbre, que me iba a atender una viejita y que el living era de paredes color azul intenso.
Así sucedió luego de yo llamar a la casa, pero la viejita me miraba sin entender nada y esperando saber que era lo que yo quería, cuando yo mismo no sabía que hacía allí y menos que expresarle
Atiné a decirle si me permitiría pasar adentro de la casa para comprobar que era como yo la conocía.
La pobre vieja ya tenia demasiado con eso que le conté, me dijo si no estaba loco, que no me había visto en la vida y que me retirara, cerrando la puerta al mismo tiempo.
Y yo seguía allí en la entrada sin entender nada de nada con la visión del total de la casa en mi mente, cosa que pude comprobar era parcialmente cierta pues al abrir la puerta de la casa se veìa parcialmente el living con sus paredes color azul.
Marijan Pirsic
Augost 16 th, 2005
Our identity crisis
Who we are? Where are we going ? Where did we come from?
Chapter sixteenth: The street like an education mat...
Really, suddenly, it had entered into my life with such ease because I had continued without conscience of the disaster that I were and I carried to my family with my out sense behavior and no channel.
Maybe I was able to say that It was because I have no father and it was almost null my mothers authority, she was long-suffering and docile.
I mean that I have neither a fathers shape because he was died nor my mothers shape who was really present.
But this would be an ease way to put the fault to other protected in my incipient adolescence and in my mental imbecilities.
It is preferable to show my reality of an incompetent adolescence!
I was again at home, I was expelled twice from different schools, with my empty hands and with an horizon with few progress possibilities in a country were i had all.
I had nothing to do with my bothers that were the evolution image in spite of their own troubles.
All of my brothers were oldest than me, I had a difference of few years, but they were too big and this was noticed in our European culture it force me to talk to them as: Sir. until I were 18 years old.
But also it was true that the oldest one of all, he exerted the fathers right of all of us, I started to became like an self-taught learning languages, mine while he practiced his hard mechanic work.
The following one, best, he was induced by the science and he studied at might while he worked during the day like a jewellery assistant until he joined Siemens Argentine, as a simply worker.
Besides this he devised in order to do their industrial studies, to prepared the assemblement of a TV studding by post, what a country we had.
I remembered his infinite patience ( reason why he was the jewellery assistant) to go on preparing part by part the device and to give us the surprise of hearing ( not seeing because he had no money to buy the tube-monitor) the football terminus in Italy of Independiente with Inter of Milan that was transmitted by TV.
My brother little by little was plotting his future career.
My sister was, maybe, one of the most damaged of the family because her education was all her life (the family, specially my father, he designated her only for the study like I was) and she done it in a strict nun school that ugly marked her for all her life.
All that framed by an aunt super catholic that worked like a housekeeper, it gave us a frame of a suffered middle low class in steadfast.
This situation felled in each one of us in different ways.
My sister was trying to be better each day with an incredible personal efforts, for that because she wasn’t really provided but she obtained the better possible marks and she get surrounded with friends in better
social situation, to whom in general she respected or admired them more than they were deserved.
The problem was that their is no admiration to friends, simplify we want them and we love them.
But no, my sister goes to the docilely with them, she thought that doing that she were wining favors ( that she really obtain them) but they were interest relationships.
All that was framed into the mysticism breath really unbearable, which signed her for all her life.
Her attitude was praiseworthy, because in spite of this she made a good road on her life.
In short, each of my brothers were getting a clear direction for their future, in opposite what it was happening to me, that was predictable, simply It would be a fountain of inside and outside troubles.
Up to this time I had got vestiges of my stuttering, it wasn’t accepted from the neighborhood children, I had no school and less work, unless for some temporary works that I made with some neighbors.
I was a perfect protect of imperfection, politically not convenient for any mother of my potential friends, what made that I haven’t no friends.
I wandered by the streets of my neighborhood, so I went a little away with my bicycle bought by my aunt effort to satisfied my wonders.
Thanks of that I could go away and know other neighbors and with that I got in knowledge that where I were was only an island, I mean a little neighborhood in a city plenty of them with different houses, social status and education.
There I started to learn by my self the social classes differences.
This didn’t matter me, for me it was unimportant, only it let me go on earning to my pour knowledge and many other sociologic know ledges where I were induced.
A day, traveling by bicycle the neighborhoods, I arrived to a part of the Barrio Parque Saavedra or Barrio Peron like it was known later (they were all nice equal houses that Peron built for the trade union) and like carried by something higher my bicycle forced me to go in a direction to a house.
While I was getting closer to it in my view I had the inside detail like if I were in it.
I was invaded by such amazement, I could not understood how this happened!
The house was sunny and beautiful and I were becoming( it seams that they carry me ) to the doors house and I still go seeing it completed, room by room, color by color.
I knew that I would rang the bell, and an elderly lady would open the door and that the living were with a hard blue walls.
It occurred later that I called the house, the lady looked at me without understand nothing and waiting to know what I wanted, when I didn’t know what I was doing there and even what to explain to her.
I talked to her if she could let me in to check that it was how I knew it.
The oldest lady had too much with I told her, she said me that I was crazy, that she haven’t seen me in the life, also she asked me to get out, closing the door at the same time.
And I was still there in the entrance without understanding nothing of nothing with the total seeing of the house in my main, thing that I could proof it was partially truth, because when I opened the door of the house that lend me see the living with this walls.
Marijan Pirsic