19 de Mayo de 2009

We are immersed in the pretty serious situation of women in Argentina (and of the world at large), young or not, getting close to a very dangerous limit that affects one of the parts' rights, because of a rape allegation that was product of a sexual relation.

In general, it is based on real facts and a presumably similar case happened (to check, but the situation certainly warrants) in Núñez last Sunday morning.

These "doubtful" allegations of "rape" just because of the sexual intercourse, more than anything covered by the new wave of "touch and go" translated into "casual sex" (if you can call it casual), which would rather be without compromise from both sides.

But think of a situation that is occurring in some of these cases or in any other in which, after the sexual relationship, with the consent of both parts (it appears that only it must be accepted by the woman, it doesn't matter whether man consents it or not?), for different reasons immediate or medium-occur with different types of disagreements between the parties leading to an "angry" or, even worse when the woman feels "disgust" or similar excuses, but that breaks "a good time spent in common."

That's what happens, and it suffices that the "injured party" call 911 or report to a police station, or to a hospital or a woman's organization, etc., so that the one that was his "circumstantial partner"; is now a rapist. And for certain media it could be called also a "serial" one, just because of the fact that some neighbours say that this man has history, and that he was always in company of a lot of girls, etc.

The alleged rape is easily verifiable by the medical clinic inspections, and more with the "crisis of nerves of the attacked", etc.. And, of course, it will have all the support expressed before.

Nor to consider whether the "allegedly raped" but who holds a false complaint is under 21, under 18 or, worse, less than 15. 

There have been some cases, like the one of a teacher in a San Miguel, which has ruined the life and the family of a man giving false information, or that one of the young man who suffered Cromagnon's tragedy and that was also falsely charged with 17 violations by the police.

Further to the topic, is worth to consider the change of the old "man-woman" relationship, that left behind the degradable submission of women, altough men never managed to take it publicly.

But of course, the "reality" is that women and girls, unfortunately, don't have any problems to face the guy they like, and it's not necessarily just one in the same night. Fortunately, for the vast majority they are not that much.

In addition, they are also interested to many men older than them. And surely, the young or older man should't reject them! 

That would be just an utopia with the exceptions of any rule. 

This is just to think that not everything is of the "color of the glass from what you're looking", old adage but always current.

El Editor